Dr. Branman Awards Dr. Rhys Branman's Cosmetic Surgery Blog

A Facelift Will Make You Look Younger

March 8, 2018 - Rhys Branman, MD

Facelift Procedure Image - Little Rock Cosmetic SurgeryRecently there has been disagreements over how much a facelift and other facial cosmetic surgery can improve a person’s appearance. I would like to counter some recent research that contradicts previous research. Last year some rigorous research was done that indicated a facelift on average reduces the visible signs of aging by 7 years. New research announced this past summer suggested that on average people only appear 3 and 1/2 years younger after a facelift. This new research has come under scrutiny.

In this study, photographs of 49 patients were shown to 50 raters who “were asked to estimate the age of each patient in the photographs presented and to rate the patient’s attractiveness on a scale of 1 to 10.”  Here’s part of the problem. The study attempts to gauge improvements of attractiveness and “evaluate the degree of perceived age change.” Dr. Joshua Zimm (lead author of this study) even said that asking the raters to look for signs of aging and attractiveness at the same time might have slanted the responses subconsciously. Not only that but no frame of reference was given for that scale of attractiveness from 1 to 10, nor did any of the raters see a before and after photograph of the same patient. With nothing to compare age or attractiveness the responses are completely subjective and this in turn makes the scores meaningless. Even Zimm said there may have been “underestimation of the results” of attractiveness.  Last year’s research, on the other hand, had raters comparing before and after photographs of patients.

We all know that improvements in attractiveness are subjective to some degree, but in a person’s real life attractiveness means one’s personal best. However, Dr. Zimm’s motivations were well intended. Like most surgeons performing aesthetic surgery, he wants his patients to have realistic expectations. One of the points Zimm was trying to make, was that when you look at cosmetic surgery before and after pictures, you are most likely seeing the surgeon’s very best work.

At Little Rock Cosmetic Surgery Center we encourage you to look at as many before and after photographs as possible. Each patient is different, each patient’s procedure requires individual planning, and each patient has his or her own unique goals. We want you to achieve your personal best at Little Rock Cosmetic Surgery Center.

Dr. Branman

Call Melinda at the front desk to set up a consultation 501-227-0707

3 thoughts on “A Facelift Will Make You Look Younger

  1. Cristina says:

    not really I don’t think facelifts can make you look younger what makes you look younger is the facial bone is what makes you look younger which you end up losing as you get older a facelift can not give you that look back

  2. Jennifer says:

    Studies prove that the facelift has become number one and demanding procedure in the cosmetic surgery field. For restoring the youthful appearance most of the women prefer face lift surgery. My sister in law had done face lift surgery from Fairview Cosmetic Surgery in Ontario in her 40th age. Her face was very saggy and she looked like a 60 year old women. So she decided to do face lift surgery. Post surgery she look awesome, young and beautiful.

  3. Yelenak says:

    Thank you for sharing this post

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