Is Beauty All In The Bone Structure?
October 10, 2024 - Rhys Branman, MD
When asked about her success, Coco Chanel’s famous model Suzy Parker replied, “Sheer luck. I was lucky to have been born with cheekbones.” Who can forget the dialog from Paper Moon when Trixie Delight says to little Addie, “You already got bone structure. When I was your age I didn’t have no bone structure. Took me years to get bone structure. And don’t think bone structure’s not important. People didn’t decide to call me ‘Mademoiselle’ until I was seventeen and getting a little bone structure. ” I can still hear Madeline Kahn’s rendition of a southern accent ringing in my ears as she delivered those lines.
Beauty and bone structure
Bone structure is the core of good looks as much today as it was back Hollywood’s 1940s. It’s all about the cheekbones, and sometimes the chin. The harmonious proportion of the face, full round youthful cheeks, and a well defined jaw line are ultimately dependent upon good underlying skeletal structure. Bone structure. The most noticeable flaws in facial bone structure are lack of prominent cheek bones or a weak jaw. Some people have always been bothered by their lack of strong cheek bones and chin, however, Trixie Delight was wrong, you do not suddenly “get” bone structure. After the face is done developing, you either have it or you don’t due to your genetics. Her timing there is correct though, it is not until late teens and early 20s that the last bones in the face develop.

Cosmetic procedures to enhance your bone structure appearance
Nowadays facial implants have become the answer to the lack of “bone structure” to create that beautiful balance. Although good bone structure is connected to genetics, many times weight loss and aging can cause the face to lose soft tissue. This in turn can lead to a gaunt look. Cheek implants can restore volume in the middle of the face and correct the gaunt, hollow appearance that can occur over time. Often a weak chin, or ill defined jaw line results in a look of heaviness in the lower face. A weak jaw line can accentuate fat on the neck too because of the lack of visual separation between the face and neck area. Chin implants are the best choice for that chiseled appearance of a well proportioned face.
Cheek implants, or malar augmentation, and chin augmentation (often with implants) called genioplasty or mentoplasty, both result in improved facial balance. My specific expertise in training maxillofacial surgery allows me to assess your unique features for the best artistic combination of function, harmony and balance for your face. When nature overlooked the ideal bone structure, come to Little Rock Cosmetic Surgery Center for facial implants. Come see me for a consultation, and I hope you enjoy the links I included!
Cheek fillers: A non-surgical cheekbone enhancement
If it’s a non-surgical option you seek, our Little Rock med spa’s qualified injectors can expertly place fillers to temporarily improve your cheek contour without surgery.
Call at the front desk to set up a consultation with Dr. Rhys L. Branman at (501) 227-0707
I have had 5 people on a website tell me or ask me if I’m transgender or that I have very manly features.
Dear Sir/madam,
I would be much obliged if you would advise me if I should have a cheek implant or other cosmetic procedure so as to enhance my facial appearance. I am a 61year old man. I could send you photos of my face if required.
Yours Faithfully
Peter Sammut
Hi Peter,
Thank you for your question. Please contact us using our contact form and would be glad to set up a complimentary consultation or simply help answer your questions. Thank you!
Little Rock Cosmetic Surgery Center