Dr. Branman Awards Dr. Rhys Branman's Cosmetic Surgery Blog

Category: Breast Surgery

Mom Gets Her Pre-baby Body Back with Cosmetic Surgeries

January 18, 2023 - Rhys Branman, MD
Many moms struggle with the same problem areas on their bodies — areas like the breast and stomach that they can’t get back to their pre-pregnancy look even with diet and exercise. Fatma Rice, mother of a five year old,…

Correlation between Implant Volume and BMI Found in Breast Augmentation Study

November 7, 2023 - Rhys Branman, MD
A statistically significant positive correlation of BMI and implant volume for breast augmentation patients in two U.S. cities was found in a study that examined physical characteristics and implant details of breast augmentation patients in three cities. In other words,…

Future Option in Breast Enhancement: Injectable Gel?

November 7, 2023 - Rhys Branman, MD
Could a non-surgical breast augmentation procedure be a future possibility? A recent article published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery journal examines a hyaluronic acid-based gel called Macrolane as a potential option by assessing the safety and efficacy of the procedure…

Is Breast Surgery Key to the Future of Regenerative Medicine?

October 2, 2018 - Rhys Branman, MD
Breast surgery could play a key role in the future of regenerative medicine according to an article in Wired magazine on Cytori Therapeutics, a biotech company that is trying to use stem cells from fat to help the body rebuild…

Breast Augmentation Using Patient’s Own Fat May Be Viable

November 7, 2023 - Rhys Branman, MD
A new study reported successful breast augmentations using a patients’ own fat through a process called fat grafting. During fat grafting, fat cells are harvested via liposuction from one part of the body and injected into another. While fat grafting…

Choosing the Right Breast Size for Your Augmentation

November 7, 2023 - Rhys Branman, MD
Considering breast augmentation? In addition to choosing an implant type (saline or silicone), patients also need to decide on what size they want their new breasts to be. This decision involves more than just choosing a cup size, reports New…

Breast Implants: Silicone vs. Saline

November 7, 2023 - Rhys Branman, MD
A recent informal user poll at www.implantinfo.com found that women interested in breast augmentation are more likely to want silicone vs. saline breast implants. Since the FDA approved silicone gel breast implants in November 2006, implantinfo.com noticed that choosing between…

Surgeons Gather for Annual Breast Surgery Workshop

November 7, 2023 - Rhys Branman, MD
40 surgeons recently gathered in Ohio for the 4th annual Breast Surgery Workshop.  To attend, doctors from England, Canada, Taiwan, and other areas of the U.S. traveled to the practice of Cincinnati cosmetic surgeon Dr. Mark Mandell-Brown. Sponsored by the…

Breast Implants May Have Shielded Her from Gun Blast

August 26, 2019 - Rhys Branman, MD
A surgeon in California has been speaking publicly about the harrowing story of workplace violence that left one of his patients with scars and deflated implants. The article on LA Times.com is about Lydia Carranza, who was shot in the…

Guest Blogger Discusses Breast Implant Revision

October 13, 2020 - Rhys Branman, MD
This is a guest post by Michelle in Denver, who had a breast augmentation many years ago.  She is now considering a revision surgery, so she did some research on the subject. Do breast implants really need to be replaced…
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