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How to Make Laser Hair Reduction Work Better For You

November 19, 2019 - Rhys Branman, MD

Summer DaysWe love summer for a lot of reasons—the permission to don more casual clothing like cute sundresses, cut-offs, swimsuits and tank tops is one of them. But there’s a flipside to a wardrobe that puts our legs, arms and bikini areas in the spotlight: we have to get rid of unwanted hair.

If you’re considering laser hair reduction, you likely already know that this treatment is one of the best ways to permanently end your battle with unwanted face or body hair. But did you know that there’s a lot you can do to help make sure you get the best possible results with laser hair reduction? As with many treatments, preparation and follow through can make a big difference. To help you make the most of your laser hair reduction experience, we’ve put together our own list of “Pro” tips to keep in mind.

Pro Tip #1: Don’t resign yourself to waxing or shaving because you have lighter hair.

Okay, so this isn’t really a “tip,” but it’s definitely worth mentioning first. While it’s still true that people with lighter skin and darker hair are generally the best candidates for laser hair reduction, having light colored hair or a darker skin tone is no longer an automatic deal-breaker. Today’s laser options allow for more individualized treatment. For example, the Sciton laser we use can be adjusted to reach the optimal depth for hair of many different colors and thicknesses, allowing us to treat a broader range of patients. The bottom line: don’t assume laser hair reduction won’t work for you until you’ve consulted with a qualified cosmetic surgeon.

Pro Tip #2: But do stay out of the tanning bed before treatment.
The more contrast you have between your skin color and your hair color, the better laser hair reduction can work. This is because the laser acts upon the darker pigments in the hair follicles. The lighter your skin is at the time of treatment, the better the laser will transmit into the follicle. One of the easiest ways to facilitate this process is to keep your skin as light as possible, which means no tanning for a few weeks before each treatment. Also, wear sunscreen when you go outside (which you should be doing anyway).

Pro Tip #3: Put down the tweezers, too.
Don’t pluck, tweeze, wax, or use any hair reduction method that affects the hair follicle prior to laser hair reduction. This is because the laser searches for the dark root in each hair follicle, and leaving the follicle intact lets the laser do its job. But that doesn’t mean you have to let things grow out—shaving is fine before treatment.

Pro Tip #4: Stock up on sunscreen.
While laser hair reduction isn’t painful, the treated area will be extra-sensitive to sunlight for awhile. You’ll need to apply sunscreen religiously following each treatment to protect your skin from long-term damage and discoloration.

Pro Tip #5: Plan ahead to be hair-free by a certain date.
Hair growth is cyclical, and laser hair reduction can only affect hair follicles in the active phase. That means that treatment will catch some hairs at just the right time, but additional treatments will be needed to ensure that all the hair in an area is eliminated. For most patients, this takes about 5 or 6 sessions, spaced about 4 to 6 weeks apart, depending on the area.

Yes, this can seem like a long time, but you can shave between treatments to keep up your appearance for the remainder of swimsuit season. Plus, the hair that grows back following each session will be sparser and finer. Eventually, you won’t have to do a single thing to keep your skin smooth & hair-free.

Pro Tip #6: Relax, it’s not going to hurt.
The laser used to remove unwanted hair has a very precise, low-energy beam. Most of our patients describe feeling the sensation of a tiny rubber band snap, which can be a slight nuisance, but it’s not painful. A topical cooling gel applied before treatment will help keep you comfortable.

Pro Tip #7: Know what could cause hair to return.
Laser hair reduction results are typically permanent. However, there are a few things that could make hair grow back. Changes in hormones, certain medications, and even genetics influence hair growth, and occasionally patients see hair return. Always choose an experienced provider who can match the appropriate laser type and depth to your skin and hair type and who will take your medical history into consideration prior to treatment to help achieve optimal results.

If you’re fed up with unwanted hair (not to mention razor bumps, nicks & cuts, or the dreaded bikini wax), please give us a call. We’ll be happy to help you learn more about laser hair reduction treatments and get you started down the road to smoother-skinned summers from here on out.

One thought on “How to Make Laser Hair Reduction Work Better For You

  1. Greata says:

    Laser hair removal definitely works in a better way. But it is more suitable in dark hairs on a fair toned skin people. Mostly, women spend plenty of money for removing the unwanted hairs from their body through waxing and tweezing and all. Now everyone is interested to do laser hair removal treatment for permanent removal of unwanted hairs. But it does not discard all hairs completely in a single treatment. After two or three treatments it can remove all the unwanted hairs completely from our body. There are a lot of laser treatment clinic in Canada like BEAUTI-MED Laser Skin Care Centre in BC. Compared to other clinics they provide the best patient care and treatment facilities with an affordable price.

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