Dr. Branman Awards Dr. Rhys Branman's Cosmetic Surgery Blog

Numbness After Surgery

November 25, 2019 - Rhys Branman, MD


Numbess After Surgery Photo - Cosmetic Surgery CenterPatients at Little Rock Cosmetic Surgery Center often ask about numbness after surgery. It is important to understand that any time an incision is made, there will be disruption of the tiny little nerves (in fact microscopic) that connect to your skin. These small nerves are temporarily disrupted but will regenerate. Various procedures cause numbness at the incision site. This lessening of sensation is very minor nerve injury and it will become indiscernible in time, or at least barely discernible.

One reason people seem to be particularly concerned (and with good reason) about numbness with cosmetic surgery, is because it is elective. Patients accept this slight numbness with medically necessary surgeries yet when a procedure is not deemed necessary, it is disconcerting to them.  However, it is important to know about this side effect of surgery. I believe patients should know in advance that some numbness will occur with some cosmetic surgery procedures.

Most of this minor nerve injury will resolve itself within six months to a year, if not sooner. However, in some instances, it can take much longer, up to two or three years. So let me explain some of the sensations involved with these microscopic nerves in your skin rejuvenating themselves:

  • Tingling, itching, and short lived minor electrical shock sensations are signs of nerves healing.

  • The “pins and needles” sensation is also a sign or nerve regeneration.

  • Patients heal at different rates, some in a few months, others in a year or two.

  • The nerve regeneration time, hence recovery from numbness, depends on the type of procedure.

Most people have experienced their arm or leg “falling asleep” after sitting on it, or having the arm in an odd position. As you begin to move the numb leg or arm you experience that “pins and needles” sensation as the blood flows back into the limb. The same is true with nerve cells regenerating. These sensations are a good sign. Here are some examples of what to expect.

  • After a facelift most patients experience numbness for at least 6 -8 weeks, around the incision sites.

  • Patients may experience numbness after tummy tuck ( abdominoplasty ) for up to a year. In the case of tummy tucks, the nerves tend to regenerate inward from the outer edge of the incision site toward the middle. Some patients report permanent numbness on the surface of the skin from the navel to the middle of the incision site.

It is important to understand that these sensory nerves take time to heal and not to be worried about initial superficial (skin) numbness. Any serious numbness should be immediately reported to me of course, but if you are concerned at any time feel free to call. Of course be sure to ask me about numbness and recovery with all surgical procedures. At Little Rock Cosmetic Surgery Center, we are not only surgically skilled, but we want to be as skilled in our bedside manner as well.

Dr. Branman

Call Melinda at the front desk to set up a consultation 501-227-0707

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