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Textured Breast Implants

November 7, 2023 - Rhys Branman, MD

Woman in Pink Bra - Cosmetic Surgery CenterOne of the issues to consider with breast augmentation is preventing capsular contraction. Researchers and manufacturers of breast implants are constantly experimenting to help reduce the incidence of capsular contraction. It is natural for the body to form scar tissue around any device placed into it. In the case of breast implants, the breast forms a capsule of scar tissue around it. Capsular contraction is when that capsule tightens and squeezes the implant. Researchers continue to investigate why this may happen to one woman and not another.

One variable is the individual woman’s autoimmune system, of course. Another variable is the surface of the implant. Some implants have a smooth surface, and some have a textured surface. There is evidence indicating that a textured surface may help prevent capsular contraction. A textured surface also helps prevent shaped implants from shifting in position. Therefore, texture will be one of the choices you make when choosing which implant is best for you.

The scientific procedures are really rather amazing. High-magnification images, using light and electron microscopes, show amazing micron and nanometer scaled topographies formed by fibroblasts on the surface of breast implants. That’s tiny! How tiny is that? Well, the diameter of a hair is 40-50 microns wide so, as you can imagine, you cannot see a micron sized object with the naked eye. A nanometer is smaller than that! You need a microscope to see a nanometer sized object. An example would be a 30-50 nanometer sized virus. If you recall, a fibroblast is a collagen producing connective cell essential to healing. The formations or shapes these fibroblasts and the collagen they produce grow into apparently depend upon the surface of the implant as the implant is integrated into the breast. So the surface of a breast implant actually influences the cell’s shape.

How did researchers witness the formation of these capsules that formed around the implants? In various studies, breast implants that were removed because of capsular contraction or other reasons for revisional surgery were studied. In one study the implants had been removed because of asymmetry or bad positioning.

Here’s the bottom line though. Breast implants with textured surfaces do reduce capsular contraction to some degree. However, with these highly magnified views of capsule formation we begin to realize that manufacturing implants that are textured at the micro and nano levels may prevent capsular contraction even more. Again, we need more studies.

When you come to Little Rock Cosmetic Surgery Center for breast augmentation, I will discuss the type of breast implant surface that is best for you. We offer both smooth surfaced implants and implants with textured surfaces.

Dr. Branman

Please call Melinda to set up your consultation 501 227-0707

3 thoughts on “Textured Breast Implants

  1. Shannon Wood says:

    would like a consult about my 20y.o breast implants and costs and

    1. Little Rock Cosmetic Surgery says:

      Hi Shannon,

      Thank you for your comment. Can you give us a call at (501) 227-0707 or use our contact form below to get in touch? We would be happy to schedule a complimentary consultation. Thank you!



      Little Rock Cosmetic Surgery Center

  2. Robin Biedermann says:

    silcone or water ? Above or below muscule ?

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