Dr. Branman Awards Dr. Rhys Branman's Cosmetic Surgery Blog

The Look You Want With Your Breast Augmentation

November 7, 2023 - Rhys Branman, MD

Female Covering Breasts Image - Cosmetic Surgery CenterSome women prefer the “done” look. You might wonder why this is so. As one of the identifiers of gender, women have historically drawn attention to their breasts. Unlike other primates, the human breast looks full and prominent even when not nursing. Evolutionarily speaking, there is no need for the female human breast to be any particular size to nurse. Yet somehow human males seem hardwired to respond not to the size of the female breast, but the waist to hip ratio and breast symmetry. It’s true, research shows that we find people who are generally symmetrical more attractive than people in whom some features are symmetrical and some are not. Women have advertised their symmetry for centuries. Today’s woman might do this with breast augmentation, but here are some of the fashions from the past.

For instance, Jennifer Viegas of Discovery News found that “Women of the 1600s, from queens to prostitutes, commonly exposed one or both breasts in public and in the popular media of the day, according to a study of fashion, portraits, prints, and thousands of woodcuts from 17th-century ballads.” In fact, in some European countries in the 1700s a woman being bare breasted was more accepted than today. Throughout the centuries women’s fashion has often flattered her décolletage, emphasizing it with low cut necklines. The word décolletage is from the French and literally means “without a collar.” In 1450 it was low, square cut necklines which showed plenty of cleavage. After the French revolution, when no one wanted to be associated with the ruling class, women wore dresses which bared the bosom and shoulders in what we might call an elegant peasant look. Then in the Victorian era higher collars were worn, yet lower necklines were worn for formal events.

So the answer to the question of why a woman might prefer the “done” look with her breast augmentation is really quite simple: fashion and showing off her symmetry. A very natural look and feel can be achieved with a silicone implant; in fact this is why most women prefer them. A saline implant, feels a bit harder and may not look quite as natural, but of course, all of this depends upon size, placement, and what the patient wants. The bottom line is, you will get the look you want in a breast augmentation at Little Rock Cosmetic Surgery Center.

Dr. Branman

Please call Melinda to set up your consultation 501 227-0707

2 thoughts on “The Look You Want With Your Breast Augmentation

  1. Laura Cunningham says:

    Very greatful for Dr branman and his team. Felt like family and I asked any crazy questions and the answered professional. We even had a few laughs. They called next day to see how I was feeling and made me feel good that they were so considerate. I will def go back for more work!

  2. Gracie Holland says:

    Is financing available?
    Does your center offer rapid recovery?
    Approx time from consult til surgery?

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